The Tax Attorney Network

Do you owe thousands in back taxes to the IRS? Have they garnished your wages or bank accounts?

Having to face the IRS because of your back tax issue can be more than a little scary and daunting. Hopefully you’ll never have to deal with that letter or phone call or worse, an IRS Revenue Officer showing up at your door. Dealing with this can be so overwhelming that many people try to just ignore the problem hoping it will go away or that the IRS will forget them. But that is not going to happen. There are programs available to taxpayers that have been set up to help you if you are struggling to pay your back taxes they say you owe.
Call us today

Free consultation to discuss your tax problems.
Call us at

(855) 980-7563

Often times, early questions can help avoid a bigger problem or can help with the stress that comes from the unknown. Call today to speak with an attorney!

Wage Garnishment?

Stop IRS liens, levies and wage garnishments

Need Returns Filed?

Get your back taxes filed by expert CPA's

Owe IRS Money?

Reduce the amount you owe to the IRS
Call us today

Tax Relief Services We Offer

Past Due Taxes
Fresh Start Programs
Offer in Compromise
Sales Tax Audits
Bank Levies
Unfiled Tax Returns
Innocent Spouse Cases

Payroll Tax Problems
Wage Garnishments
Property Seizures
City and County Taxes
IRS Penalties
Tax Liens
Audit Representation

* Licensed by the IRS to Practice in All 50 States. We serve taxpayers throughout the entire United States. Our Power of Attorney to represent taxpayers before the IRS is valid in all 50 states. We can also legally represent U.S. taxpayers living abroad. So no matter where you’re living, if you owe the IRS back taxes the Tax Attorney Network is ready to help you resolve your tax debt.

Let us help you settle and resolve your tax problem once and for all.

Tax Debt Help You Can Count On!

What Exactly is The Job of a Tax Resolution Professional?

A certified Tax Attorney, CPA or Enrolled Agent can help you with all the following:.

  • Protect you from IRS mistake, abuse, and intimidation.
  • Help you to understand your tax liability.
  • File an amended income tax return.
  • Bring you back into lawful compliance.
  • Take care of an IRS lien or levy as well as assistance to get them released.
  • Help resolve and settle your tax problems through programs set up to help you.
  • Set up an appropriately structured payment plan limiting penalties in the future.
tax attorney help to settle tax debtstax relief help

Finding a qualified and trustworthy Tax Lawyer to help you with your back tax debts can be overwhelming

There is hope if you’re one of the millions of individuals or businesses who owe back taxes but can’t afford to pay the IRS in full. We can navigate the complicated and treacherous tax roads of the IRS and State taxation boards for you. We can negotiate a settlement and help you to resolve your tax liabilities for much less. If you are facing IRS collections, our tax attorneys can stop or prevent any collection efforts by negotiating directly with the taxing authorities. If the IRS is sending you threatening letters, call our tax professionals and get the tax relief you deserve.

Why We Are The Right Choice.

Our Tax Attorney’s, CPA’s and enrolled agents have years of experience in complicated and constantly changing state and federal tax rules. We uncover all the issues you may have and protect our clients. When dealing with a tax problem, you need a professional in your corner you can count on. Using Our Tax Attorneys, CPA and Enrolled Agents will help you to avoid the problems most taxpayers face when choosing the WRONG Tax Attorney to resolve your tax debt problems!

Call And Speak With One of Our Tax Attorneys Today

Our Experienced Tax Attorneys are here to help

We are dedicated to getting our clients the financial freedom they truly deserve; by helping them navigate the complex tax laws and help them to settle their back taxes, which can include the bankruptcy process and optimize their fresh start. We understand bad things happen to good people. We treat every client as our friend or relative with compassion and professionalism.

Our tax attorneys and staff have over 15 years of experience and know how to help. We will sit down with you in person, or over the phone, to answer your questions and thoroughly evaluate your legal situation and your personal concerns. We will review your situation and formulate a legal strategy to protect you.

Since each case is unique, we craft a personalized debt solution for every client. Additionally, we offer reasonable, affordable fees.

Tax Relief FAQ

What is tax relief?
The phrase tax relief, in general, refers to taxpayers attempts to mitigate their tax problems whether on the local, state or federal level. Generally speaking, individuals seek tax relief because they have been notified by the IRS with a Notice of Intent to either levy accounts, lien on property, real or personal, or garnish wages. Tax relief may be extended to either individuals or a business that can show a specific need for a tax breaks. Tax relief concessions are not usually granted to individuals or businesses with deep pockets. There are numerous reasons why a taxpayer may seek out specific tax relief. Most often, taxpayers are unable to pay their tax debts in full or have failed to file returns for a number of years and eventually are notified by the IRS of impending action. A number of tax relief programs are available through the IRS. However, to qualify, taxpayers are required to fit within specific guidelines of tax regulations.
What can a tax relief specialist do for me?
In cases involving existing businesses or in personal cases where the IRS has taken dramatic steps towards collection including threats of liens, garnishments or levies, tax relief professionals can be very helpful. This representation will be knowledgeable on rules and formulas, procedures and paperwork. Tax relief specialists are a recommended aid for contacting, and negotiating with the IRS. They can help even the odds when you must deal with government agents, who can be very intimidating when making demands on the taxpayer. IRS agents tend to be less forceful and more reasonable when dealing with a tax professional.
Are there any guarantees?
Tax relief professionals promise satisfaction with their services in assisting taxpayers prepare requests for installment arrangements, offer-in-compromise or other tax resolutions. They cannot guarantee you won’t have to pay taxes, or predict with 100% certainty how the IRS will rule on requests for tax relief, however. If the IRS rejects the initial request for tax relief, many tax relief professionals will review the rejection letter and prepare a response and appeal for no charge.
What does it cost for tax relief representation?

Tax relief professionals charge for their services. Filing tax returns and talking to the IRS on your behalf require fees. In many cases, the cost of tax representation is comparable to that of tax preparation firms accustomed to handling only current-year filers.

IRS Tax Attorneys

5 Star Service
"OK, it's hard to admit I had a tax problem with the IRS. I was so happy to find the the Tax Attorney Network to help me with this tax debt issue. I owed a lot. They called the IRS, with me on the phone, to get an exact amount and why this had happened then went to work immediately to help me get this under control. Thank you so much. My life feels under control again with this fresh start!"
The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters, and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship.
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